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Corporate Author Instruments de médecine vétérinaire (Firm)

TÍtulo Straw method of freezing : technique for preparing, preserving and utilizing semen, as practised by the Artificial Insemination Centre, l'Aigle.

Publicacion 61 L'Aigle : Instruments de médecine vétérinaire (I.M.V.), rue Clemenceau, 1969.


Localización Call No. Estado
 IU 2nd Floor  SF105.5    CHECK ON SHELF
Descripcion 50 p : illus ; 27 cm.
Nota Illustrated cover.
On cover: a new method of insemination, the development of the straw.
Materia Semen.
Insemination, Artificial -- veterinary.
Autor Secundario Artificial Insemination Centre, Laigle, France.
Titulo Secundario Development of the straw.